[BEST] 10 Do you know intresting fact about Rat |उंदीर
Amazing Facts about Rats | QuoraGeoPlanet Animal Education ...
[BEST] intresting fact about Rat |
Today we have discusse about a
beautiful and
small not only Wild but also
Pet Animal.
Theirs name is
Rat. Rats body look
like smooth and shining.
or simply
Rattus. Rat are most
interesting fact.
Let's start..
"Did you know : When it comes to the spread of disease from wild rats there are a number of concerns including: Leptospira, toxoplasma gondii, campylobacter, foot and mouth disease and classical swine fever."
"Did you know : A temple dedicated to Hindu goddess Karni Mata in northwest India is home to more than 15,000 rats. These rodents are worshipped and protected, and human devotees of the temple believe that when they die, they will be reincarnated as rats."
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Scientific Classification:-
[BEST] 10 Do you know fact about Rat |
Did you know: Without companionship, rats tend to become lonely and depressed.
"Did you know : A Rat’s Teeth Never Stop Growing."
"Did you know : Rats have numerous ways of communicating with each other, the most common being body language."
Rats Facts |
"Did you know : Rats are known for gnawing on things, and with good reason. Their teeth can grow up to 5 inches per year. they have to chew on things to wear them down and in addition to wood, rats can also gnaw through lead, cinder blocks and aluminum sheeting."
"Did you know : Scientists stumbled upon a new giant rat species while conducting research in Papua, New Guinea in 2007."
"Did you know : Rats have poor eyesight, relying more on their hearing and their excellent senses of smell, taste, and touch."
"Did you know : Rats have a great memory and can recognize people and other rats they've seen before."
"Did you know : Rats are social creatures so they do best if kept with another rat or a group of rats."
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How dangerous are rats in your house?
Ans. :
Obvious signs of rat infestation include
rat droppings, dirt, and grease marks along
floorboards and walls. It is
possible for
rats to Transmit
diseases to humans and
they can transmit disease if they bite
or scratch humans and also by leaving
their droppings
and urine around the home.
What will attract rats?
Ans. :
Bird feeders and other types
of food items that leave residue
also attract rats and mice.
"likewise, the nuts and fruits
that fall from trees can also attract
rats and mice to your home".
Rodents are also attracted to water sources.
Do rats avoid traps?
Ans. :
Trapping rats is similar to
trapping mice, but rats require
larger traps, and they can be
smarter about avoiding traps
that don't entice them
properly or scare them off somehow.
Are rats dangerous?
Ans. :
This can be dangerous when they
gnaw on electrical wiring.
health rats can carry many
diseases that are harmful to people.
How do you know if you have
a rat in your house?
Ans. :
Tell-tale Signs of Rats and Mice
include droppings, urine odors,
gnawed holes, rub and gnaw marks,
rodent runways, rodent nests,
scampering noises and unusual
pet behavior.Rat droppings
are half an inch or larger.
Norway ,rat droppings are
at both ends, while Roof
Rat droppings are have pointed ends.
Is it a rat or a mouse?
Ans. :
A mature mouse can be
distinguished from a younger rat
by its larger ears and longer
tail compared to its body
length than the rat. A young
rat also has distinctly larger
feet and head compared to the
body than a mouse.
'Mice' are
usually light grey or brown in
colour with
a lighter shade on their bellies.
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